Writer in Residence at Hamline University
April 9–12 | St. Paul, MN
May 11–12 | The Center for Fiction
September 26–29 | Vincennes, France
Le Havre, France
Pete's Candy Store | Brooklyn, NY
In conversation w/ Kerri Schlottman
P&T Knitwear | Manhattan, NY
Radio interview | NPR
Virtual Book Launch of "Abundance"
Powerhouse Arena | Brooklyn, NY
Responding to Contemporary Issues in Fiction
AWP Conference & Bookfair
Georgia Writers Association
Franklin Park Bar & Beer Garden | Brooklyn, NY
Children of Poverty w/ Kia Corthron
Brattleboro Literary Festival
Release of "People Want to Live"
Books Are Magic | Brooklyn, NY
Green Apple Books | San Francisco, CA
Odyssey Bookshop | South Hadley, MA
Between the Lines Author Series
Willoughby-Eastlake Library | Willoughby, OH
Podcast interview
Podcast interview
YouTube interview
American Booksellers Association
Kweli International Literary Festival
Interview w/ Jean Kyoung Frazier
Kweli International Literary Festival
Radio interview | MPR
Helen Zell Visiting Writers Series
University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, MI
Book Club Bar | East Village, NY
Powerhouse Arena | Brooklyn, NY
Dialogue Book Lounge | Fane Productions